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 Shooting game Bug-Byte, 1983 


 Action game Ocean, 1984 

 F for Freddie

 Flight simulation< Kansas City Systems, 1984 

 F-14 Tomcat

 Shooting game Players, 1989 


 Shooting game Superior Software, 1983 

 Fairytale Adventure

 Text adventure Deanesfield Primary School, ??? 

 Fantasia Diamond

 Text adventure Hewson, 1984 

 Farmer Jo

 Action game Shingo Sugiura, 1984 

 Farmyard Fun

 Text adventure Retro Software, 2008 

 Fat Man Sam

 Action game Firebird, 1985 

 Father Christmas's Crackers

 Action game Chris Dewhurst, 1999 

 Fawkes' Run

 Action game Anthony Houghton, 1987 

 Felix and the Fruit Monsters

 Action game Micro Power, 1985 

 Felix in the Factory

 Action game Micro Power, 1983 

 Felix meets the evil Weevils

 Action game Micro Power, 1983 

 Fernando the Flea

 Action game D.C. Soft, 1985 

 Fighter Pilot

 Flight simulation Kansas City Systems, 1985 

 Fire Hawks

 Shooting game Postern, 1983 

 Fire island

 Text adventure Holl-Soft, 1984 

 Fire Track

 Shooting game Aardvark Software, 1987 


 Action game AcornSoft, 1984 


 Text adventure MP Software Ltd., 1982 

 First Contact

 Text adventure P. Woodhouse, 1986 

 First Moves Chess

 Text adventure Longman Software, 1985 

 Five Alive

 Action game Mike Goldberg, 1989 

 Five Spheres Of Goliath

 Text adventure Kansas City Systems, 1984 

 Five-A-Side Football

 Sports game IJK Software Ltd., 1983 


 Action game Jonathan Stuart, 1985 

 Flight of the Unicorn

 Text adventure Jeff Tullin, 1985 

 Flint's Gold

 Text adventure Micrograf, 1984 


 Memory game Icon, 1985 


 Action game Microdeal, 1983 

 Flitty Flea

 Action game D. Fryett, 1987 


 Puzzle game Michael Firth, 2011 

 Football Director

 Management game CDS Software Ltd., 1988 

 Football Manager

 Management game Addictive Games, 1985 

 Footballer of the Year

 Management game Gremlin Graphics, 1987 


 Sports game Micro Power, 1982 

 Forbidden Fruit

 Action game Voyager Software, 1984 

 Formula 1

 Action game Peter Mujtaba, 1985 


 Shooting game Pace, 1983 


 Action game Aardvark Software, 1984 

 Frankenstein 2000

 Action game Audiogenic, 1985 

 Franklin's Tomb

 Text adventure Salamander Software, 1984 

 Frantic Farmer

 Action game Jonathan Temple, 1985 

 Fred Drip

 Action game Matthew Eastmond, 1989 

 Fred the Needle

 Action game Robin Jubber, 2017 


 Action game AcornSoft, 1984 

 French on the Run

 Text adventure Silversoft, 1984 


 Action-puzzle game Micro Power, 1984 


 Action game Superior Software, 1982 


 Action game JSD Software, 1982 


 Action game ASP Games, 1983 

 Fruit Machine

 Gambling game Alligata, 1982 

 Fruit Machine Simulator

 Gambling game Code Masters, 1989 

 Fruity Freddy

 Action game Softspot, 1983 


 Action game Chris Dewhurst, 1998 


 Shooting game Softspot, 1983 

 Future Shock

 Action-adventure Tynesoft, 1986 

 Galactic Commander

 Action game Micro Power, 1984 

 Galactic Empire

 Strategy game Gem Software, 1983 

 Galactic Firebird

 Shooting game Kansas City Systems, 1983 

 Galactic Patrol

 Shooting game Mastertronic, 1987 


 Shooting game Superior Software, 1985 

 Galaforce 2

 Shooting game Superior Software, 1988 


 Shooting game Software Invasion, 1982 


 Shooting game Superior Software, 1982 

 Galaxy Raiders

 Shooting game Visions, 1984 

 Galaxy Wars

 Shooting game Bug-Byte, 1982 


 Strategy game AcornSoft, 1983 


 Action game Alligata, 1984 

 Garden Quest

 Text adventure Margaret Stanger, 1985 


 Strategy game Quicksilva, 1984 

 Gateway to Karos

 Text adventure AcornSoft, 1984 

 Gateway to the Skies

 Text adventure Solar Soft, 1983 


 Shooting game Micro Power, 1984 

 Geoff Capes: Strong Man

 Sports game Martech, 1984 

 Ghost Hunter

 Shooting game MRM Software, 1983 

 Ghost Town

 Text adventure Adventure International, 1984 


 Action game Superior Software, 1984 


 Text adventure Peter Killworth, 1987 

 Gideon's Gamble

 Text adventure Superior Software, 1983 


 Action game K.B. Price, 1986 

 Gisburne's Castle

 Action-adventure Mertech, 1984 

 Glider Pilot

 Flight simulation Apex Software, 1985 


 Action game Superior Software, 1983 

 Gnome Adventure

 Text adventure Argus, 1984 


 Board game Acornsoft, 1984 


 Sports game Tynesoft, 1985 

 Gold Bank

 Shooting game Fast Access, 1986 

 Gold Digger

 Action game Firebird, 1984 

 Gold Mine

 Action game David Yip, 1985 


 Action game C.R. Dewhurst, 1999 


 Sports game Yes! Software, 1986 


 Board game Micro Power, 1982 


 Shooting game Doctor Soft, 1983 

 Gotta Go Home

 Text adventure Viking Software, 1987 


 Action game Krypton Force, 1984 

 Graham Gooch Match Cricket

 Sports game Audiogenic, 1985 

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