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 Wallie's Castle

 Action game ???, ??? 

 War Games: Tobruk and Salamanca

 Strategy game C.T. McGurk, 1986 


 Action game MIL Top Ten, 1987 

 Warlord of Doom

 Text adventure Visions, 1983 


 Strategical-adventure Icon, 1984 

 Web Runner

 Action game Alligata, 1983 

 Web War

 Shooting game Artic Computing, 1985 


 Action-puzzle game Chris Dewhurst, 2003 

 Weetabix versus the Titchies

 Shooting game Romik Software Ltd., 1984 

 Wendy goes Walkies

 Action game APS Software, 1984 


 Text adventure Talent Computer Systems, 1984 

 West Quest 1847

 Text adventure Pase, 1984 

 Wet Zone

 Shooting game Tynesoft, 1985 

 What's Eeyore's?

 Text adventure Magus, 1986 

 Wheel of Fortune

 Text adventure Epic Adventures, 1984 

 Wheeler Dealer

 Business simulation OIC, 1983 

 White Knight Chess

 Board game BBC Soft, 1984 

 White Magic

 Action-adventure The 4th Dimension, 1988 

 White Magic 2

 Action-adventure The 4th Dimension, 1989 

 Who Dares Wins II

 Action game Alligata, 1984 


 Action game Shards, 1985 


 Action game Partis-Soft, 1983 

 William: The Conqueror

 Strategy game Molimerx Ltd., 1984 

 Winged Warlords

 Action game Superior Software, 1984 

 Winter Olympiad '88

 Sports game Tynesoft, 1988 

 Winter Olympics

 Sports game Tynesoft, 1986 

 Winter Wonderland

 Text adventure Incentive, 1987 


 Action-adventure Imagine, 1985 


 Action game Thomas Williamson, 1986 

 Wizard's Castle

 Action-adventure Paul Robson, 1984 

 Wizzys Mansion

 Action-adventure Audiogenic, 1984 


 Action-adventure Artic Computing, 1986 

 Wolf Pack III

 Strategy game Doctor Soft, 1984 

 Wonder Worm

 Action game Thor, 1984 


 Action game Audiogenic, 1984 

 Woodland Terror

 Text adventure MP Software Ltd., 1984 


 Word game CDS Software Ltd., 1988 

 World Cup Manager

 Management game Cosma, 1982 

 World Geography

 Quiz game Micro Power, 1984 

 World War I

 Strategy game MC Lothlorien Ltd., 1986 


 Text adventure Brassington Enterprises, 1984 

 Xanadu Adventure

 Text adventure Hopesoft, 1982 

 Xanadu Cottage

 Text adventure Alligata, 1985 


 Puzzle game Postern, 1983 


 Action game Logotron, 1991 


 Maze game Logotron, 1985 


 Dice game Potter Programs, 1985 

 Yes Prime Minister

 Political game Oxford Digital Enterprises, 1987 

 Yie Ar Kung-Fu

 Fighting game Imagine, 1984 

 Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2

 Fighting game Imagine, 1984 


 Action game MIL Top Ten, 1985 

 Yukon Gold

 Text adventure Fast Access, ??? 


 Shooting game Aardvark Software, 1983 

 Zany Kong

 Action game Solar Soft, 1983 


 Action-adventure Simon Wallace, 1989 


 Action game Micro Power, 1983 


 Action-adventure Andrew Cook, 2012 


 Shooting game Impact, 1988 


 Puzzle game Stephen Sexton, 1992 


 Action game Audiogenic, 1988 

 Zorakk the Conqueror

 Adventure game Icon, 1985 


 Action game Micro Power, 1984 

 Zuyder Zee

 Action game MRM Software, 1984 

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