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 Adventure-RPG Silicon Valley System, 1982 

 Creepy Caverns

 Action game Anthony Ramos, 1983 


 Card game José R. Suarez, 1982 

 Crime Buster

 Shooting game Atari Inc., 1988 

 Crisis Mountain

 Action-adventure Synergistic Software, 1982 


 Shooting game Atari Inc., 1988 


 Shooting game Sierra On-Line, 1981 

 Crumble's Crisis

 Action-adventure Red Rat Software, 1987 

 Crusade in Europe

 Strategy game MicroProse, 1985 

 Crypto Cube

 Educational game DesignWare, 1983 

 Crypts of Egypt

 Action-adventure Mirage Software, 1994 

 Crypts of Terror

 Adventure-RPG Inhome Software, 1981 

 Crystal Castles

 Action game Atari Inc., 1984 

 Crystal Crisis

 Action game P. Needham, 1989 

 Crystal Raider

 Action-adventure Mastertronic, 1986 


 Shooting game Andreas Binner, ??? 


 Puzzle game Syzygy Microware of Texas<, 1982 

 Cubes in Space

 Action game Michael A. Baxter, 1986 

 Cubic Games

 Puzzle game Leo Software, 1994 


 Puzzle game Frantisek Houra, 2005 


 Action-puzzle game KE-Soft, 1990 

 Current Events

 Action game James Hague, 1987 

 Cuthbert goes Walkabout

 Action game Microdeal, 1984 


 Text adventure Infocom, 1984 


 Action game Frank T. Wittenmayer., 1986 


 Shooting game Leisure and Business Dev., 1983 


 Action-adventure B.Ware, 1989 

 Cycle Knight

 Action game Artworx, 1986 


 Action game Sirius Software, 1982 

 Cygnus X1

 Shooting game Atari Inc., 1989 

 Cypher Bowl

 Sports game ArtSci, 1981 


 Action game Daniel Klodt, 1988 

 Cytron Masters

 Strategy game Strategic Simulations Inc., 1982 

 Czarny Orzel

 Shooting game Krysal Software, 1995 


 Puzzle game LK Avalon, 1993 


 Educational game Electronic Arts, 1983 

 Da' Fuzz

 Action game Roklan Corp., 1983 


 Puzzle game LK Avalon, 1992 

 Dam Trouble

 Shooting game Michael A. Baxter, 1988 


 Shooting game Electric Software Ltd., 1984 

 Dan Strikes Back

 Action game English Software Company, 1984 

 Dance Fantasy

 Educational game Fisher-Price, 1985 


 Action-adventure John Howard Palevich, 1983 

 Danger Crosswalk

 Action game ALA Software, 1983 

 Danger Ranger

 Action game Microdeal, 1984 

 Dangerous Street

 Action game Raster Software, 1992 

 Danny's Mirror Magic

 Pinball simulator SoftKorn, 1983 


 Action game Kemal Ezcan, 1989 


 Action game STV Software, 1987 

 Darg II

 Action game Maciej Zwolinski, 1993 

 Dark Abyss

 Shooting game Mirage Software, 1993 

 Dark Chambers

 Action-adventure Atari Inc., 1988 

 Darkness Hour

 Action-adventure LK Avalon, 1992 


 Action game Blue Ribbon, 1986 

 Das Geheimnis der Osterinsel

 Text adventure Kemal Ezcan, 1990 

 Das U-Boot

 Pinball simulator RealTimeSoft, ??? 

 David's Midnight Magic

 Pinball simulator Atari Inc., 1987 

 Dawn Rider

 Shooting game Atlantis Software, 1988 

 Daylight Robbery

 Action game Atlantis Software, 1988 

 De Re Pac-Man

 Action game Bi-Chong Wang, 1984 

 Deadstick Landing

 Simulation game Al Johnston, 1982 

 Death by Solitaire

 Card game Darren Schebek, 1998 

 Death Race

 Racing game Atlantis Software, 1987 

 Death Zone

 Pinball simulator ???, ??? 

 Deathchase XE

 Action game XXL, 2013 


 Action-adventure StanBit, 1994 


 Shooting game Steve Hillen, 1986 


 Sports game Activision, 1983 

 Decision in the Desert

 Strategy game MicroProse, 1985 

 Dedridge Castle

 Text adventure Linda Naysmith, 1988 

 Deep Funk

 Pinball simulator Charles Duncan, 2003 


 Shooting game Atari Inc., 1982 


 Puzzle game StanBit, 1995 


 Puzzle game Atari Inc., 1989 

 Deflektor II

 Puzzle game Flop, 2009 


 Action-adventure Sonix Software, 1983 

 Deja Vu

 Text adventure Axis Komputerkunst, 1985 

 Deluxe Invaders

 Shooting game Roklan Corp., 1981 


 Action-adventure Glonisz Soft, 1993 

 Demon Adventure

 Text adventure Adrian Cox, 1988 

 Demon Attack

 Shooting game Imagic, 1982 

 Demon Ball

 Pinball simulator ???, 1983 

 Demon Birds

 Shooting game Dan Bullock, 1985 

 Demon Dungeon

 Action-adventure ACME Software, 1986 

 Demon Racer

 Action game Jon Peterson, 1988 


 Action-adventure Robespix Software, 1993 

 Denis through the Drinking Glass

 Text adventure A.S.S., 1984 

 Depth Charge

 Shooting game CompCo, 1985 

 Der Leise Tod

 Text adventure R+E Software, 1987 

 Desert Falcon

 Shooting game Atari Inc., 1988 

 Desert Quest

 Adventure game Mark Foshee, 1982 

 Desmond's Dungeon

 Action game Creative Sparks, 1984 

 Despatch Rider

 Action game Mastertronic, 1986 

 Destination: Unknown

 Shooting game Frank T. Wittenmayer, 1983 

 Destiny - The Cruiser

 Strategy game Adventure International, 1983 


 Text adventure CTH Enterprises, ??? 


 Puzzle game Best Quality Ltd. 1992 

 Devil's Caverns

 Adventure-RPG Ted Clawges, 1979 

 Devil's Domain

 Action-adventure Richard Gore, 1991 

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